Imagethief and the hell of yurts – video companion

Note: This video was originally presented as the companion to a long, written travelogue that is no longer posted. I reposted the video when I restored my archives because it’s much more fun than the long-winded written version. -WM

It’s no Danwei TV, but here is Imagethief’s foray into video production. During our recent trip to Xinjiang, Mrs. Imagethief used her point-and-shoot digital camera to take about eighteen minutes of video, including several off-the-cuff stand-ups by Imagethief. We hadn’t originally intended to do anything with it except show it with our travelling companions, but after reviewing the raw footage it seemed like a waste not to share it. In a past life I used to do digital audio and video production and I’ve still got some of the tools. I’ve cut the video down to eight minutes, played with the sequence to give it some narrative coherence and added a voice over. The camera is a nifty little device, but because it’s the size of a pack of playing cards there is a bit of camera shake. Sorry about that. Nonetheless, I hope you find it entertaining, and I hope Imagethief’s singular wit survives the transition to video.

You can also see it at YouTube. Unfortunately I don’t have a version of this video posted on a Chinese video sharing site.

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