
Travels in China and the region, mostly rendered as video travelogues shot on various low-rent devices and edited with at least some care, but also some written.


Seoul and the fermented stingray of perdition: I really, really like Seoul. And I really, really like Korean food. But, seriously, don’t eat the stingray. November, 2010.

Imagethief and the lost apartment of Qin Shihuang: A video travelogue from a trip to Xian, featuring the coolest apartment in all of China. No joke. But you have to be careful of the working guillotine. June, 2010.


Diving with the whale shark at Dalian’s Tiger Beach: A video travelogue in which I dive in an aquarium in Dalian with a fish way too big to be in an aquarium in Dalian. November, 2009.


Imagethief and the top-secret dam of Panjiakou: A Great Wall diving adventure: A video travelogue of my trip to dive a sunken stretch of Great Wall in a reservoir near Panjiakou, in the company of the excellent Steven Schwankert. We weren’t allowed to photograph a dam so big you can see it from space. August, 2008.


Further adventures in glamorous international travel: I attend an event at the Venetian in Macau. But I am hosteled in the somewhat less renowned Grand Waldo. It looks like it sounds. Never again. November, 2007.

Imagethief and the man-eating otter of Changbaishan: A video travelogue of a trip to the North Korean border, featuring the usual, witty observations and the world’s most surreal, mountaintop discussion of Kim Jong Il. August, 2007.


Imagethief and the hell of yurts – video companion: The video travelogue of a trip to Xinjiang in 2006. Assembled from random footage we took on the trip, but it came out pretty well, I thought. July, 2006.


Imagethief and the spectral tiger: A Dongbei travelogue: A trip to Harbin, Qiqiha’er and, yes, the glamorous Zhalong Wetlands, where dwell all the bugs on the planet and some apparently not from this planet. October, 2005.

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